The Fermes marine du soleil hatcheries, subsidiaries of the aqualande group, pioneers in the marine hatchery business, were founded 40 years ago and have since become leaders in the sector.
They have 3 hatcheries, 3 pre-growth sites and produce over 100 million fry and larvae a year.
They have developed logistical resources enabling us to ship fish anywhere around the world.
Fermes marine du soleil formaly known as Les poissons du soleil's fish hatchery at Balaruc-les-Bains, France, was my first professional Aquaculture engineering internship. In the first internship in 2017 I learned all about Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) in detail: How to dimension it, use it and maintain it. The FMDS hatchery had cutting edge technologies when it comes to filtration, pumps, fish counting and sorting, etc.. Further more I got to learn how to use NovaFish and Arvotec. The team that I worked with, was really friendly and their professional attitude had a great impact on me.
The first internship was so intresting for me that I went back for a second year. In the second internship was focused on the larval unit's operations, I was given tasks to do like I was part of the team with explanation in great detail in each task I did. I learned everything from Artemia cultivation, to hatching the eggs and growing the larvae's until they move on to the pre-rearing unit.
The first two internships were a great start for my career as they motivated me and ignited my curiousity for aquaculture. I had the honour with working with such a great team in one of the world's best hatcheries. I got the chance to see and use the newest equipements, softwares and techniques.