Work experience
Striving to gain more experience with recirculating aquaculture systems, I took a part-time job as a research assistant responsible for running, monitoring and maintaining the day to day operations in an experimental shrimp RAS facility
Master of Science internship
For my Master of science in marine biotechnology I was tasked with the conceptualization and development of a denitrifying system for a RAS shrimp farm and hatchery, in this project I gained much knowledge about bacteria and DNA extraction and quanitification, I had the chance to put my theoretical knowledge to practice and gained experience with next-generation sequencing.
Doctoral studies
After the obtaining my Master of science, I wanted to dive deeper into recirculating systems, with my experience with RAS I beleived there were ways to enhance its sustainability, I obtained the Darwin scholarship from JLU and I chose the subject of "sustainable recirculating shrimp aquaculture", a proposal was drafter and we obtained funding under the InA project for the new shrimp experimental farm. Until this day I was involved in:
Designing and the construction of the new experimental facility using wood (tanks and structure) and other sustainabale materials
- Wood tanins trial: Investigating the potential of using wood as a sustainable material in shrimp farming and analysing the polyphenols (tanins) that are exerted by the materials and their effect on the shrimmp - Soon to be published
- Wood biofilm trial: Investigating the potential of using wood as a sustainable material in shrimp farming and investigating the wood's anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties by analysing the biolfilmed formed on the different materials and the gut microbiom of the shrimps- Soon to be published
- Best practice paper for reproducable standardized shrimp trials - Soon to be published
- Black soldier fly based shrimp feed - Soon to be published
- The potential of single shrimp experimental systems - Trial currently running
- Polyculture selection: Selecting potential filtrating species that are compatible with whiteleg shrimps - Next trial
Building the single shrimp experiemntal system:
An experimental system for trials on 1 shrimp per tank, this allows achieving 1:1 tracking throughout the trial and eliminates cannibalistic interactions.
- Bioball anual meeting 2022 , Frankfurt, Germany - Poster
- ACHEMA 2022, Frankfurt, Germany - Booth host
- ICMS 2023 of CEMarin, Cartagena, Colombia - Talk
- Bioball annual meeting 2023, Frankfurt, Germany- Poster
- Sonar Magazine 2023 - Article - Soon to be published
Supervision of Bachelor students
Developement of a KNX based smart control system
Contruction and programming of custom automatic feeder:
Learned C coding and how to use Arduino to design, construct and program automatic feeders with stepper motors that can be later included into the KNX smart control system
Programming of a Virtual Reality (VR) and Artificial Reality (AR) applications:
Learned C# , blender 3D modeling and unity to make a VR and AR simulation of the future facility to attract more investors and will be developed to be used in the future for teaching and training our interns and students - Apps soon to be available online
Developement of innovative and sustainble filtration system with an industry partner