The Medimegh Aquaculture Group is the the biggest aquaculture group in north africa, it consists of 9 aquaculture related companies: 1 Hatchery, 4 rearing comapnies, 2 sea products distrubution companies, 1 packaging company and 1 aquaculture feed company
Work experience
After graduation as an Aquaculture enggineer and thanks to my good performance in my previous internship, advanced knowledge in aquaculture and recommendtions from my previous employers, I got the chance to be hired as a part-time aquaculture consultant for the Medimegh Aquaculture Goup from Sep 2020 until Jan 2022, it was in hybrid form since I was pursuing my Master of science degree in France. During my employement there I was given the tasks of: Analysing mortality patterns and identifying the cause, enhancing protocols, stategy planning for the new accquired hatchery and the newly built aquaculture feed factory. My role in the group gave me the opportunity to experience the different pats of the companies, administrative and technical. The diversity of the tasks gave a one of a unique experience to boarden my field of thinking.
I had the opportunity to do an aquaculture engineer internship at the Teboulba Tunisian Fish (TTF) a rearing company under the Medimegh Aquaculture Group from July 2019 until Aug 2019, and it was my first experience with off-shore aquaculture, I had the opportunity to put into practice and inhance my theoretical knowledge thanks to the support and trust of the company, I did an analysis of the post-seeding and transportation stress on the fish larvae.